Friday, April 2, 2010


That's right. It gets an exclamation point. How has it taken me so long to jump on the Netflix train? I was perfectly content going to Blockbuster and roaming around for hours on end, deciding to rent GREY GARDENS, and then finding it's already rented and settling on THE NET.

But now, I have Netflix! (and consequently, GREY GARDENS sitting on my bedside table).

Queue: I have been judged because a short week after obtaining Netflix my queue already has over a hundred movies. But come on, how many times are you like "shit I need to see that movie," only to forget what it was a month later? Put it on the queue. It's less a list, in order, of movies I'm renting, and much more a to do list. Also, it gives me an opportunity to see all those movies that I should have seen by now, i.e) SUNSET BOULEVARD, FARGO & THE APARTMENT.

Instant Viewing: I'm never going to get anything done. Ever. Instant viewing is amazing. Not only do they have a multitude of movies I want to see at my fingertips, but there are also movies I didn't even know I wanted to see! Anytime I'm going to get something done on my computer, I'm actually just going to end up watching things like Woody Allen's WHATEVER WORKS (which actually wasn't that bad). Jeff and I were joking though, that the new "eh, wait until it's out on video" is "eh, wait until it's available on instant viewing." (This was in reference to HOT TUB TIME MACHINE, which is not only not good enough to see in theaters, but also bad enough to not be worth renting.)

Predictions: The more movies you rate and rent, the more predictions Netflix gives you. It's secretly getting inside my brain, knowing the movies I'll like before I do. I give Netflix a challenge because my movie renting pattern is ridiculous. SOPHIE'S CHOICE one day, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH another. It doesn't even know what to do with itself. Sometimes It's spot on - I liked LARS AND THE REAL GIRL, and LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, so I should like WAITRESS. But then other times it's smoking crack. I'm sorry Netflix, but it's true. Just because I loved PSYCHO (the original) does not mean I'll love THE STEPFORD WIVES. Those two do not belong in the same category and I'm offended you even thought so. It's okay though. I'll forgive you. Because you're amazing.

Anonymity: Another nice thing about Netflix is that it allows you to rent shitty movies and not be judged. I know, I shouldn't worry about such things. But how do you seriously walk up to the movie aficionado with ALL ABOUT STEVE in your hands? Don't worry, it's on the queue.


Adam Sass said...

HaHA! We netflixed the same shit! Grey Gardens has been on my shelf for weeks!

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Because I was an actual NDE and because I’m not from earth, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven's gonna be like for us: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most-extra-groovy, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol-warp-drive, kick-some-ass-orgasm, party-hardy, LotMoreThan101Bask'nRobbinFlavors you DO NOT wanna miss the smmmokin’-hot-deal. YES! For God, anything and everything and more! is possible!! Cya soon.