Monday, April 12, 2010

Rock for Equality

After an exhausting night Saturday, I woke up bright and early (except it wasn't that bright, given our gloomy weather [it was early though: 845!]) and went to the Rock for Equality rally at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center. But first - COFFEE!

Here's some pictures of the event:

(Mikey was there!)

(Barbara Boxer was there!)

Here's some facts:

-The federal government requires Americans in same-sex relationships to pay into Social Security like everybody else. These people are then denied key benefits that make up a crucial part of the safety net Americans rely on for their economic well-being in their latter years, or upon becoming disabled. In tough economic times, like those gripping the country today, these benefits are all the more critical.

-The Social Security Administration does not recognize any same-sex relationships, anywhere, including couples in states that afford same-sex couples the right to marry or the right to register as domestic partners.

-In some instances, the Social Security Administration affords certain advantageous benefits to divorced individuals that it does not provide to same-sex couples: even when the same-sex couples are married or registered as domestic partners.

-$ 2,046,872,071 is the current amount of money denied to same-sex couples and the number keeps growing.

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